Knowledge Publications
Carbon markets in Australia and overseas 2021 provides insights into the global carbon market. In this Australian chapter, we provide: 1. Overview ...
The energy sector has seen a rapid year of change following on from the effects of the global pandemic. Many of the contributing authors of The Energy...
We all know that carbon dioxide is a key “villain” as the world moves towards a more environmentally sustainable future and seeks to arrest the ever-i...
In this insight, we review the proposed enhanced decommissioning framework for the offshore oil and gas industry in Australia discussed in the consult...
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Earlier this week the Energy Security Board (ESB), in response to directions from the COAG Energy Council, published two important papers - Moving t...
Indonesia is currently the largest economy in southeast Asia and is predicted to become the world’s fourth largest economy by 2050. Some of the m...
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The only consensus on Australia’s energy policy and markets is that currently both are a mess. However, if we look past the current policy and politic...
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The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) has recently been advising titleholders that a dealing previously approved and regis...
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The Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom (AJF) have released a White Paper, 'Press Freedom in Australia', co-authored by G+T partner Chris Flynn. The Whi...
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An ahead market in the national electricity market (NEM) is a step closer, with the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) recently publishing&nbs...
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In March 2018 the Australian Government introduced the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018 (C...
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